JUST SOLD – 2574 Steve Irwin Way, Glenview QLD 4553
Christine Freney and Emily Pendleton are pleased to advise 2574 Steve Irwin Way, Glenview has sold off market. Currently occupied by the well established and popular Glenview Golf Course which is currently operating as a successful business with a strong profit.
The current zoning is “Sport & Recreation”, however other uses may be considered for this site, subject to Council Approval. The property has been sold to multi-national developers who have their own use for the site.
– 12.11 ha
– Fully established and well maintained golf course
– Profitable business with strong trading history
– 12.11ha* of land with main road frontage
– 13km* to Caloundra CBD and beaches
– Three bedroom house with three car garage
– Sport and Recreation Zone
If you are thinking of selling or leasing contact Elite agent Emily Pendleton on 0402 435 446 or Christine Freney on 0432 170 380.