JUST LEASED & SOLD – 12/110 Sixth Avenue, Maroochydore QLD 4558
Experienced agents Emily and Christine knew to determine an optimal result for the owner it was imperative they analysed the figures before they positioned this retail property to the market. It was clear that the return would be far greater if it was sold as a tenanted investment yielding approx 6.5 – 7% and therefore they executed a two phase strategy.
Phase One – THE LEASE: A 5 year lease was successfully negotiated with lash and brow studio in a matter of weeks after promoting the property to their extensive database of personal service tenants and those who had previously enquired on similar size property in this location.
Phase Two – THE SALE: A off-market sale was secured within days! Delivered by the power of the Northern Corridors Groups’ extensive and current database of Investors.
Emily stated, “strategy and experience are key. The adjoining property is vacant has been marketed for several months by a different agency at a reduced price, sadly resulting at a significant loss to the owner”.
If you are looking to sell or buy contact elite marketing agent Emily Pendleton on 0402 435 446 or Christine Freney on 0432 170 380 today.
#just sol #justleased #raywhitecommercial #northerncorridorgroup